About Me

My photo
Ontario/Baldwin Park, California, United States

My Everyday Liife

Welcome to a part of my lupie life... its been a journey and i cant say a very easy one. this blog is going to show you anything is possible and even with a chronic illness you can still go out and explore this world. getting diagnosed with lupus isn't something that is planned it just happens and i cant give you a reason on why. i got sick at the age of 15 years old just a freshman in high school with no expectation of going through a life changing experience. i never had a chance to really process or cry the way i wanted when i got sick i had to be strong and react to take care of myself right away. so that's why i have this blog to write my emotions and share my feelings and experiences in the best way i know how and that's writing....i want other lupus warriors to know you aren't in this alone we all are in this together. it took me a couple years to post pictures of me at my worse times when i was swollen from the medications but i'm not ashamed of them because i know when i look back it shows how much i 'accomplished in the last few years. so i here to show you my absolute worse times and my best times. i hope this helps you understand me more and help you warriors as well.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

1Year Lupus! Annversery!

   So hey you guys guess what ... its officially 1 year now with lupus! It was a year on December 8th! I can't believe I've came so far in a year, i lost weight. I went to 156 lbs to 126 lbs now.  i am so proud of myself! Also, i went from taking 75milligrams of prednisone (steroids) to only 5 milligrams! =] My body was so swollen and big, i was so insecure and just hated it, but i knew in time that the weight would slowly come off as i cut down the prednisone. Even though it took a year and I still have  little puffy cheeks, im going out and having fun and just back to being myself! I remember looking in the mirror and not even recognizing my reflection, it hurt and i sometimes cried myself to sleep. But beyond all that I'm me and i held my head high and didn't look down for anything! & Im doing something about it, i go to the gym 3 days out of the week, i go to alternative school, and i appreciate that even though i was diagnosed with a disease that not only isn't cure-able and I'm  going to have for the rest of my life but i always have to stay strong and never give up. I still break down here and then and ask Why this happened to me, but i know i will always have someone to catch me when i do! I have so much planned ahead of me and dreams i have to achieve. =] The Only thing in life that matters are your dreams, love, and laughing! thats what gets me day by day! always keep your head up and DREAM BIG! LOVE LOTS! & LAUGH LOUD! 
                                                                      Muahh~ Stasiia =]

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Partie tiime!

     Hey you guys & gals I've lost more weight, & lots of it! I've lost a total of 28 lbs. I'm so proud of myself and with the help of the health factor(my gym). It's so great working out and feeling good about myself! I Weigh 128 now, instead a big fat 156! ahhh i've came so far, I'm still trying to get use to it. at first i didn't think i could do it, but i'm so dedicated to it and getting back to myself, i'm got it done!
      Well Anyways last night i had a blast with my little sister & best friend Mireya, we had a slumber party and took over 200 pictures...haha that's a lot! We had so much fun, we tried making fried Oreos but they didn't come out so well because we didn't have a deep fryer! XD Instead we  decided to eat cake & pie, much easier.  Well Last All i got for now, ohhh wait i forgot to tell you guys we decorated my house for christams and i swear christams puked everywhere haha!! ill post pictures of the slumber party and my christmas house!!! 
                                                            Muahh~ Stasiia=]

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Glamis 2012 Thanksgiving!

   hey Everyone just got back from Glamis, with the family & best friend! It Was a blast,we were riding morning, afternoon & night rides! i finally got to ride the quad, & i love it, i'm a professional , just kidding i need a little more practice. But my best friend Mireya had the best time ever, it was her first time actually camping. the only thing she didn't really like is the bathroom, and not showering, ahah!! i love her! But my little sister Diane & little cousin Jordan were loving he sand, they had dreadlocks by the time we left. thanksgiving was delicious, i tried antelope for the first time, and i loved it. Well theres not much to say just that i had the time of my life. it was the best glamis trip ever, and it wouldve been even better if my brothers and my mom were there!! love youhh all and i hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and pigged out!! now its time to workk my booty off!!
                                                            Muah~ Stasiia =]

Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Newss With Wild Funn!!

            Last Night Was a blast..me & my little sister slept over at my best friends house!! We took over 100 pictures , just being silly and dressing up. it feels good to be finally getting out of the house and doing things i haven't done in a while because of everything i've been through. I'm Doing so much better, i'm going outside, getting up in the morning and actually getting dolled up like i use to. I've made so much progress in the last few months, i couldn't have asked for a better family to support me and help me through everything! We Are heading out to Glamis in 4 days and i can't wait.... driving, riding dunes, spending time with the family, best friend, and cousins!! Did i mention I have lost over 26 lbs. yeah i know I'm Awesome.. haha I Weigh 130 now instead of 156.. my personal trainer, Jeff is Amazing he strives me through the workouts , even when i want to stop and take a breather. I'm blessed that hes my trainer. I HOPE everyone has a  wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

                                                                  Muahh~ Stasiia=]

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sweet Adventures!

A new month to start us off with a brand new journey! My little  sisters birthday was on the 7th, and we had a little get together with the family, it was a blast. Then, we through another party for her at my moms house with a jumper it was also fun! She scored on her birthday this year! Shes the big 10! I got to hang out with my mom, uncle David, & best friend Nick! This Month so far has been great, we have had birthdays, celebrations, and much more to come! We are heading out to Glamis on the 21st for 5 days! its going to be me, my best friend Mireya, my little sister Diane, my grandparents, mom, cousins, and most of my family! its going to be a great thanksgiving! Riding Dunes, eating fat foods, and enjoying being out the house without schoolwork. =] Then, when we get back its hitting the showers, relaxing, & back to the Gym working my booty off! losing weight is my goal in every week day, i'm so thankful to have my great parents stepping up and taking me to the gym every other day! its so much fun spending time with them, because not too many people get that chance with there great grandparents, but i DO! I have an amazing family, and wonderful friends, I'm so blessed. Well thats all i have fro you today but i'll keep updating as more fun and adventures come!
                                                                     Muahh~ Stasiia!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012!!

      So Halloween was amazing, me & my best friend took my little sister tricker treating!! she got a load of candy and scored!! We took her to each house twice haha now that's how you trick or treat the right way! =] My Little sister was A dead bride, my best friend Mireya was a clown, and i was wearing a masquerade mask! we were all stunning and had a great 2012 Halloween! Now we got to wait 366 days till the next Halloween....wahhhh!  I hope everyone had a good Halloween like we did.
                                         Muahh~ Stasiia! =]

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sleep Overr!!

Gunna sleepoverr at my best friends withh my little annoying sister!! =] Woohoo its going to be a funn nightt, GIRL TIIME!!  nails, hair, talking about drama, and much much moree!! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Backk To Stasiia!!

hey everyone i lost 2 more lbs when i weighed in at the Health Factor!! Im 134 now wooohoo!! im so proud of myself, im almost back to my normal weight!! Right now my big brother Joesph is coming over to see me , and its been while since we have seen each other!! ahhh i just cant waitt! well imma go stare out my door and wait for him to arrive see ya !!!
                                                  Mauhh~ Stasiia

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Americas Family Day 2012

     So guess what everyone, i got invited to a private Event on October 6th at the Santa Monica Pier! Its Hosted by Nick Cannon, he just got recently diagnosed with Lupus in January! So he's Hosting the event for patients with Lupus, other diseases and health issues! Its Going to have prizes, free games, unlimited free rides, photo booth, face painting & much much more!!! Also Red Carpet at 10:30- 11:30! the event starts at 10am and ends at 1pm, im soo excitedd!! I can bring up to 2-3 guests, so im bringing my best friend Mireyaa, my papa and great grandpa Chuck! its going to be a blast !!! My second Lupus event!!! 
                                                       Muahh!~ Stasiia~

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dreams Do Come True!

   So The lupus walk went great!!! i walked all three miles!! 5K HAHA! & my best friend Mireya, my uncle David, my nana, papa, & my little sister all came to support me in my first lupus event!! it was amazing! I met so many people like me, and people who have had lupus for years and years to where ive only had it 11 months & i'm still adjusting ! its been a rough few months but with the support of my family and best friend i've gotten through it all ! i went through 1 month in the hospital, a low sodium diet, Tons of medicine to barley none at all, to puffy cheeks and a swollen body to the point i wouldn't even walk outside with out feeling insecure. i'm so glad i'm out and communicating with the world that i've been missing for what seems like FOREVER! For every patient or person who has lupus, i'm gonna tell you what i've experienced & learned, just don't be insecure about what you look like and don't ever doubt yourself that your not gonna be somebody, because i know i have dreams and i''m sure you do to , so go after them because NO BODY IS PERFECT! 
                       Muahh~ Stasiia~

Friday, September 28, 2012

Little Butterflies!

Me & my sister Were playing MoNoPoLy! Now we decided to write a little together and bond! We are eating ice cream and running NAKED in our minds hahaha just kidding just eating ice cream! Yummy Yum Yum! We have a big event tomorrow & its my Lupus Walk! So excited walking and talking like S.I.S.T.E.R.S!! Made the force be with US! XD 
                 ~ Love Diiane & Stasiia! Muahh ~

Monday, September 10, 2012

Lupus WAlk!!

September 29, 2012Los AngelesWalk for Lupus NowCheck-in: 9:00 AM Walk Starts: 10:00 AM
Exposition Park

Day of event schedule:
9:00 am Check-In Opens
9:45 am Opening Remarks, and Warm-Up
10:00 am Walk begins
11:30 am Closing Remarks

               I am trying to get as many donations as I can, my goal is to raise at least $300. i hope every one can donate something. $1 would even make a difference !The money is going to the Lupus Foundation Of America and its to find a cure for LUPUS! I would appreciate all your help and i would loe it if you walk and support me in this big challenge thats happening in my life!
Thank You And If You Have Further Questions Message Me On Facebook! @ Stasiia Gonzalez ! Or My Email @ stasiagonzalez16@gmail.com 

 Laurie Gray
National Walk Manager

Losing Weight!

Hey Guess What Everyone Last Friday I lost 5 lbs. I was so thrilled and happy, but it wasn't because i was working out or exercising. It was because I've been really sick and down in bed. But i managed to keep a good diet and get better through out the week! I'm Doing Awesome And today i tried on a pair a pants that were too small for me before but now they fit perfect, I was jumping and running and dancing in Joy!!!  Today At 3pm I'm going to gym again to work my booty off, and succeed to lose more weight and be FIT again!! Can't wait!! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

News Flasshhh

Hey Everyone about to go the gym with my grandma Connie!!! wooho... so muchh funn i love working out, its like your all excited to get there and then when your done you just cant wait till you get out hahaha!! Ohh and i also started School. Im going to an alternative school on 7th street, and its at my own pace and so far i love it! i only go on Thursday's and its for 3 hours, then i go back home and study my homework! Im taking World history at the moment, and PE. I also get to lower my steroids on the 30th, so im only taking 12 milligrams now!! Im So proud of myself!! well i gotta go work my booty off talk to you next time!!! muahh~~~

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Glued Together in News!

Hey everyone, my little sister Diane and I have been hanging out like crazy! We are stuck to each other like Glue, Shes my other half. Today we did our makeup and jumped on the trampoline a whole bunch. Then We got wet, it was a blast. We also had a great dinner outside, Steak!!!! YUmmy!! Well anyways my Lupus is doing wonderful, im getting stronger everyday and losing weight as i move along the day with smiles! My nana and papa are with me through it ALL, and i truly appreciate what they have done for me! Through all the Stress, bad Nights, Losing my brothers, its been a tough first year! But im doing awesome and ive seen a great deal of improvement in my body! Im So blessed to have so  many people who care and have done all they can to help me out in this new adventure! I ust wanna say thanks !! 
 Love Stasia! =]

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Great Newss!!

So everything is going great with my Lupus! im getting stronger every day, and my doctor says everything is perfect! im only on 1 steriod now , and my swelling is pretty much gone. but i have to do another year of homeschooling, which sucks. But other than that im loving life, even if i struggle sometimes. And my little sister is coming saturday and i no im goin to get better and healthier with her beside me keeping me strong!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bacon lovers!


checkk this awesomee recipe out!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Shopping Tiime!

Hey Bloggers! I just got back from shopping with my grandma Connie! We went to a thrift store and bought some shirts, then we went to Big 5 and she ot me a pair of running shoes! I have a personal trainer now, and i go every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, to work out with my grandma Connie and grandpa Chuck! its really fun and im enjoying the timee we have together! It was a work out my first day, but im sure im going to be in shape and well very soon.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Returning the News!

hey everyone its me checking in again, sorry i haven't posted lately but its been kinda crazy these past few months. But i just got back from my doctors appointment with my doctor, and it went wonderful! Dr.shaham is a great doctor and said my lupus health is in great progress and I'm doing excellent. IM super healthy and nothing is going wrong so thats a relief. they also lowered my medicine again, my steroids are cut down to only 25 milligrams in the morning =] and she completely cut out my carafate pills, now instead of taking medicine morning, afternoon, evening, and bedtime i only take pills in the morning and evening. That made me so happy, and I'm glad the medicine is slowly being lowered. I broke down a little in the doctors visit, i had to talk about how i don't get out much and hang out with my friends and be more outdoors, the reason why i don't do that stuff anymore is because my appearance has changed from the steroids and now i think I'm just very self conscience, and i know i shouldn't be but it just makes me wonder what other people say when they se me. And i get nervous and kinda emotional because i really miss being outdoors and getting out of the house. But my social worker and my nana really helped me through the visit and told me that i shine inside and out with great beauty, and i know if i just be myself my personality is all i need to keep my confidence up and everything will be okay! =] Im going to start writing again and being more like myself instead of the shell i was being. I miss the old me mor than i think i should, because i think I've grown to be so much stronger and look at the world in many more ways ever since i was diagnosed with LUPUS! I also started reading again, i stopped reading when igot diagnosed for some reason and haven't really acknowledged a book in a longtime. BUT now you can't get me away from a book, haha i just finished my book destined it goes to my series of the house of night by p.c cast and kristen cast, and oh my gosh it was great but now i got to way till October for the next book, which really displeases me. and today i finished a book called goddess of the seas, its also by p.c cast and it was a amazing. haha its a new series i just started. My homeschooling is going great, i have good grades and I'm going to be graduating from it pretty SOON! then i wil be a 10th grader, thats kinda scary to think about haha time passes by so fast these days, you gotta make sure you spend every second of it with great effort and love. Well imma go watch a movie and relax for the day, ill be back and tell you more news as soon as i can! See ya

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

HomeSchooling Started!

So my home studies finally started yesterday, and my tutor came and we got everything set up on the computer. His name is Mr.Pound and he comes twice a week, Mondays & Thursdays at 1p.m. and they are 2 hour sessions every time. I am taking 3 courses at the moment algebra, English, and business, so far I think its kind of hard! But I did my assignments today and its a lot of writing and essays, which kind of bores me but I know I got to get through these studies and graduate with my class.When I am done with those courses I will get more and then succeed in those. So wish me luck and hopefully the studies and assignments will get easier and I will get everything I can done to be great in school & catch up with all my work and grades!  Toodle Loo!! =]

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Videos Of Me Driving The Dunes!

Me Driving the Sand Bowl with my cousin Miriam!

Backk From The Dunes!

Hey I'm back from Glamis, it was a great trip and I had a blast with my family! It was kind of hard for me though, because it was really hot and I had to be real careful about the sun! I  had to stay in a trailer or be all covered in the shade during afternoon hours, which really sucked because that's when everyone was having most of the fun! But I got to ride and have fun in the morning & evening, my papa taught me how to drive the razor! It was so much fun, I rode the dunes and he taught me a few tricks too. We had great food to, the first night we ate hamburgers, then we had chilli cheese dogs and those were really good! But over all smores night was awesome, I had smores with my cousin Miriam, we sat next to the camp fire and ate like piggy's! It felt good to get out and finally have an adventure with my family, my first lupus trip outdoors! I only had a few minor pains while i was there, but my back pains were getting pretty bad. but i think that was from riding the dunes and stuff. On the last day, we were getting all packed and started to head HOME. But we got stuck in dead traffic for 7 hours straight, it was horrible! The car ride really tore me up, I had a bad headache and back pains like crazy, right when we got home I crashed out. I kind of flared up from the sun, I was getting the butterfly rash again and a breakout of redness on my face. But I'm doing god right now, I feel good and I had an amazing time while I was in Glamis, so that's all that matters! I hope to do more adventures and just the strong Stasia I know I am. GLAMIS BABY!!!!! =] (Oh and in the picture its Me Driving and my cousin Miriam beside me.)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Big Glamis Trip!

Sand dunes here I come! I'm taking a family trip, my family and I are going to Glamis for the weekend. We are leaving Friday morning and coming back Sunday afternoon, its going to be a blast. I get to spend the weekend with my family and  my best friend  Mireya is tagging along with us for the fun also! We are going to be riding quads & razors, playing in the sand,using outdoor potty rooms, barbecuing good hamburgers & hot dogs,  roasting smores, and spending time with one another! =] Fun!Fun!Fun! My first lupus trip outdoors, this is going to be a great new adventure for me! I haven't been out in a while. Also, my papa is going to teach me how to drive in our new razor, its just like a car, hopefully I past the test haha. I'm ready to go, I got my sunscreen packed, hats, long sleeves, good pants, and all my medicine! Wish me luck, I'll take lots of pictures and enjoy myself! =] Tootles.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Asian Orange Chicken =]

Look what I made today, its a low sodium recipe for orange chicken! Orange chicken is like one of my all time favorite foods and i haven't been eating it since I started my low sodium diet in December. But today I just so happen to finally come across a recipe on yummly.com, I was in joy! So me and my nana went to the store and bought things we needed and started cooking! Its so good, the whole family enjoyed it! I even sent some over to my best friends house, they all said it taste great! The sodium level on it is only 43% and that's really good! I think this recipe is even better than buying the real expensive food. Its easy and simple to make, so look in your kitchen and try it out ! Im so glad i found some chinese food i can finally eat and enjoy! Today has been wonderful! =]

Friday, January 27, 2012

Homeschooling Time!

I am finally going to start my Home Studies! My mom and I went up to Chaffey Joint High School and got all the information and filled out all the stupid paper work, so I can start my homeschooling. I am excited and worried all at the same time, I have been out of school since December! I have a lot of studying and catching up to do,  if I want to graduate with all the right credits for this Freshman Year! It sucks that I cant take electives though, I really wanted to take a Journalism or Drama courses! That would've been Fun! I am trying my hardest to keep my head up and know that this homeschooling thing is going to help me out  get me all caught up ASAP. The teachers/tutors are going to be coming i think every day Monday through Friday but I am not sure I don't know my schedule yet. Hopefully the school gets all my information in and they call so I can start being a little normal.  I Miss School! & Waking up in the Morning! Its funny that I say that because I seriously didn't like high school at all. But now that I'm not in it I miss it like Krazy! Lol Well I'm going to take my medication and help make dinner! Talk to you laters!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Low -Sodium Cooking!

I went to Barnes and Nobles today with my Nana and Aunt Teresa, to go check out the new books, and cookbooks! I just got a new low-sodium cookbook with lots of yummy, healthy recipes in it. I can't wait to try something inside it, I was skimming through it and saw a delicious meal..its called "Shrimp Pasta Casserole." Hopefully its as good as it sounds! I tried to make homemade macaroni and cheese, but it turned out gross! So my dogs got to have a snack haha! I am not sure what I did wrong, I guess I need to find a better  recipe.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Random Dayz

Today went pretty well..my little brothers and sisters got enrolled at Vineyard Stem Magnet School! Then we went to the store and bought pizzas for dinner. Yummy! It sucks that I cat eat them though, because I am on a low sodium diet while i'm taking these dumb steriod pills. but i'm going to eat a chefs salad, healthy foods haha! I haven't had much pain today, only a little stomach ache and a light headache. My brothers and sisters are outside playing right now with all there friends, sounds like a lot of fun, its too cold for me to go so i'm here writing to you! How nice of me right? I had a dream last night, that they found a cure for lupus! Im not sure what it was but maybe someday we will find out. Well its medicine time for me. Gotta go! Have a great night bloggers!

Trying New Things!

I just found out how to make sausage I can eat. I am on a low sodium diet because of my Predisone medicine. yummy!

All New Adventures

I Woke up this morning wanting to start this new blog! Im going to get this started and make a new journey of living!